Prospector Suite

The Prospector Suite was originally designed as 11 guests rooms. Today’s Prospector Suite offers many design options, all of them with elegantly draped windows overlooking Denver’s financial district.

Coronet Room

672 SQ. FT.  |  In 1911, Coronet was the site of room 321 occupied by China’s Dr. Sun Yat-Sun. The doctor was visiting Denver to raise funds for the overthrow of the Ch’ing Dynasty. News of the revolution reached him while staying here, upon which he immediately returned home. He was then elected provisional president

Gold Room

500 SQ. FT.  |  Once known as the Wedgewood room, the Gold Room adjoins the Onyx. It features walnut paneling, a gold sunburst wall clock and marble fireplace. In 1997, the Gold Room was transformed to the Oval Office for US President Bill Clinton’s bi-lateral meetings with world leaders during the G7 Summit.